DBDOC SUMMARY.ERR - Composed of every file that had errors

The DBDOC_SUMMARY.ERR file is the actual error file, composed of every file that had any errors. The verbosity of DBDOC.ERR has been filtered out. Like the other summary files, it also contains the build and system statistics:

This is the place you look for all the errors in a single file, information that can be difficult to see in the filtered error files. Sometimes the first error in a file makes sense and is the cause of others, which would otherwise seem inexplicable.

DBDOC Kit Version: 10.30
>>>> FROM: C:\DBDOC_BUILDS\SITE MAIN 50019D-C\ABB Australia\wizard.err -- 2011-01-04 12:00:26 PM
Config file is: C:\Program Files\GMCL\DBDOC\param.txt. 
Initialization file is: ABB Australia_WIZINIT.TXT. 
Param file is: C:\Program Files\GMCL\DBDOC\filetypes.txt 
>>>> FROM: C:\DBDOC_BUILDS\SITE MAIN 50019D-C\ABB Australia\decomposer1\dbebp.log -- 2011-01-31 1:17:16 PM
--mdb_extractor 10.3 work $Name: r2011-01-27b $ (
--Initializing Global Objects...
--Running as dbebp
--mdb_extractor running with code page 1252