FCList.txt - List of the number of instances of each function code

The FCList.txt file lists the number of times each function code appears in the system.

FC   1        225 FUNCTION GENERATOR                                                FC___1
FC   2        379 MANUAL SET CONSTANT                                               FC___2
FC   3         41 LEAD/LAG                                                          FC___3
FC   4         48 PULSE/POSITIONER                                                  FC___4
FC   6         79 HIGH/LOW LIMIT                                                    FC___6
FC   7         35 SQUARE ROOT                                                       FC___7
FC   8         15 RATE LIMIT                                                        FC___8
FC   9       1167 TRANSFER - ANALOG                                                 FC___9
FC  10        201 HIGH SELECT                                                       FC__10
FC  11         72 LOW SELECT                                                        FC__11

We use this list to find which systems have particular, rare function codes by searching it. It allows us to find the few places in our encounters that need the programming we have done or are considering doing.

This list has helped us solve obscure problems that affect very few clients. This has proven its value.

DBDOC builds all the function codes in your system into Hyperview, and creates a FUNCTION CODE INDEX. For more information see the Function Code Index article in the Hyperview Reference Guide.