Running scheduled builds

Running scheduled builds allows builds to occur during your off hours. Automated builds on a regular basis ensure that the most recent files are included. Interactive message boxes are suppressed on scheduled builds and files are cleaned up automatically.

There are different ways to setup the scheduled builds, depending on your operating system:


Scheduled builds for Windows Vista and later

Before scheduling your build, make sure that all paths in the database specifications in the wizard are either local storage, or specified as UNC paths. Mapped network drives may not be mapped at the time that the scheduled task runs.

Use the Task Scheduler tool under the System Tools in the Accessories folder in the Start Menu.

Task Scheduler 1.PNG

Task Scheduler 2.PNG

Task Scheduler 3.PNG

Task Scheduler 4.PNG

Scheduled builds for Windows XP/2000/2003

Before scheduling your build, make sure that all paths in the database specifications in the wizard are either local storage, or specified as UNC paths. Mapped network drives may not be mapped at the time that the scheduled task runs.

Use Scheduled Tasks tool under the System Tools in the Accessories

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Buildplus 73.png


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Buildplus 79.png

Buildplus 80.png

Scheduled Builds for Windows NT 4

Before scheduling your build, make sure that all paths in the database specifications in the wizard are either local storage, or specified as UNC paths. Mapped network drives may not be mapped at the time that the scheduled task runs.

For Windows NT, add a scheduled task with the AT command at the command prompt.

  1. Create a batch file that contains your BuildPlus command line with the appropriate switches. For example, create a file named "Build.bat" in the directory C:\Users that contains the line: C:\Programs\GMCL\DBDOC\Programs\BuildPlus /build "C:\DBDOC_BUILDS\PROJECT1"
    Be sure to specify UNC paths rather than mapped network drives.
  2. At the command prompt enter the scheduled task using the following syntax:

AT [\\computername] time [/interactive] [every:date[,...]] "command"


\\computername = specifies a remote computer; if omitted, the local computer is used

time = time the command is to run based on 24-hour notation

/interactive = allows the job to interact with the desktop so the user can see it

/every:date[,..] = runs the command on every specified day or month. Specify the day(s) [M,T,W,Th,F,S,Su] or one or more days of the month (1,...,31). If omitted, current day of the month is assumed.

Command = command, program or batch program to be run (specify an absolute path to the file). If the command is not an executable (.EXE) file, then you must precede the command with cmd /c.

Example: AT 16:45 /interactive /every:M,W,F cmd /c "c:\users\build.bat"

See also